For some odd reason, I want a motorcycle. Have for years.
Thus, I've looked around, and it seems that the old Maxim is about the best
price / value for an old (10+ years) bike.
I finally found one! Read about my bike
First off, the Used Bike FAQ. Read this first.
"A Used Bike?!? Why Used? I want a shiny new one!" -- read this.
BUY USED because as a new rider you are BOUND to drop it on some gravel/sand/oil/wet grass at least a few times, and you will feel aweful if you put a dent or scratch in your brand new $8,000 bike. If you break the clutch handle and turn signals on your $1,500 used starter you won't feel as bad, and it may not cost as much to fix it. Dropping does NOT necessarily mean at speed. I dropped my starter several times on wet grass, and it was tipped by some unknown kids playing on it too :( I know this because I found toys wedged in the engine block. . .
1999/04/20, David Hilgendorf ( in
Based on a German model, but basically the same.
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Disclaimer: Anything I have to say is mine, dammnit! My employers, clients nor anyone else can take credit (or be blamed) for it.
Author: Will England ( Complaints? /dev/null
This page is a Y to K complaint.
Created June 24, 2002 :: Updated Thursday, September 06 2018 @ 01:39am