will england :: art : video

video index

All videos on the site, in chronological order by edit date.

name                       date              length           size and format
9Days: Part 1          02.04.01                3:33              5.7mb, RP7
       Part 2                                  4:58              8.0mb, RP7
       Part 3                                  3:40              5.9mb, RP7
       Part 4                                  2:20              3.7mb, RP7
Whop-a-chooli          02.04.01                7:14             11.8mb, RP7  
Composition            02.03.01                1:52             19.1mb, MPEG1
Ufo?                   10.11.00                0:15              2.6mb, MPEG1  
                                                                 0.4mb, RP7
Sound Check            10.11.00                1:12             12.5mb, MPEG1
                                                                 1.9mb, RP7
The Dog                10.10.00                0:48              8.3mb, MPEG1
                                                                 1.3mb, RP7
Trap Shoot             09.30.00                1:09             16.6mb, MPEG1
                                                                 2.7mb, RP7
Dave ona Jetski        09.29.00                1:29             14.1mb, MPEG1
                                                                 3.6mb, RP7
Eyeball                05.13.00                0:09              0.5mb, RP7
First Storm 2000       04.23.00                8:29             86.8mb, MPEG1
                                                                21.4mb, RP7
Building A Fire        04.23.00                0:59             10.3mb, MPEG1
                                                                 3.4mb, RP7
                                                                 2.8mb, RP7
                                                                 0.3mb, RP7
Fox Lake Flood (1)     04.23.00                1:00             10.6mb, MPEG1
Fox Lake Flood (2)     04.23.00                5:36             58.6mb, MPEG1

Gahh. I need a perl script.


The usual suspects

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Disclaimer: Anything I have to say is mine, dammnit! My employers, clients nor anyone else can take credit (or be blamed) for it.

Author: Will England (will@mylanders.com) Complaints? /dev/null

This page is a Y to K complaint.

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Updated Thursday, September 06 2018 @ 01:02am