logowill england :: motorcycle : 1997 honda vfr

My Bike

4/13/02 - picking up the new bike
Took the Concours into Motorsports Honda in Wichita, KS for a bit of a noise from the motor. Turned out I had wasted the valve train. Scored cams, rocker arms, and a couple valves at 0 clearance. Wasted. Thus, I started looking for a cheap replacement. Well, the VFR they had wasn't cheap, but it sure was nice. 6,086 miles, one owner, pristine. $6,000 later, I was the owner of a 1997 VFR. Picked it up April 13th, rode it for a week, blew the R/R and battery, got a new R/R from Honda of Milpitas and just been riding.

Weekly Milage

I'll move this somewhere sooner or later and put a graph up.

Date Miles
May 13, 2002 7,400
May 20, 2002 7,900
May 28, 2002 8,365
June 2, 2002 9,571
June 10, 2002 10,070
June 17, 2002 10,150
July 1, 2002 10,269
August 17, 2002 11,555
August 26, 2002 12,964
September 2, 2002 13,314
November 7, 2002 14,020
December 31, 2002 14,214
May 19, 2003 15,005

Service Log

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Disclaimer: Anything I have to say is mine, dammnit! My employers, clients nor anyone else can take credit (or be blamed) for it.

Author: Will England (will@mylanders.com) Complaints? /dev/null

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Created April, 2002      ::      Updated Thursday, September 06 2018 @ 01:39am