logowill england :: motorcycle : baseball grand tour

New for 2014! It's Back! TeamStrange is bringing back the Baseball Grand Tour for their 30th anniversary. News from a dozen years ago - I finished! Completed the tour with just enough points to be a finisher. The first, and last, tour I've ever completed. So, of course I have to do this one again! All the map links are junk; Yahoo has changed their URLs. I'll be updating and confirming this through April.

Photos from 2002 have been up for a while - feel free to browse my Baseball Grand Tour Photos

First Posted March 8, 2002

Last Update Jan 13, 2014

My efforts and plans to hit the baseball grand tour rally out of the park.

Update: August: Ok - Point total is now 12! Still can get 5 points locally, and have 4 more scheduled for TexSTOC trip.

Update: June: Much slower going than I had planned this year. Ah well.

Update: April 22: VFR is still dead - bad charging system. And, looks like they have changed the scoring to require 30 points now for an entry into the Aerostich drawing. Bastards! Now I have to get *one* more stadium.

Update: April 2002 - the Concours is dead. Long live the Concours. So, I bought a 1997 VFR. Which is also dead. Maybe before October, I'll actually be able to *ride*.

March, 2002: Finally got entered - rider # 25! So, here are my planned hits this year:

Special Bonuses

9 points


22 points for Stadiums, 31 total points

Not a top 5 finish, but, if I rode each one separately, nearly 20,000 miles of riding in 6 or 7 months. Fortunately, I can group em a bit, hit all the Iowa / Illinois ones in one day and so on. Still it's going to make for a fun summer!

One of the reasons I'm not shooting for a top 5 finish is the new job - no vacation time, so all of these rides need to be able to be completed in less than a weekend.

Keep watching this page; I'll add subpages for each stadium that I hit with photos and ride reports. Assuming the bike holds together, that is.

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Disclaimer: Anything I have to say is mine, dammnit! My employers, clients nor anyone else can take credit (or be blamed) for it.

Author: Will England (will@mylanders.com) Complaints? /dev/null

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Created March 8, 2002      ::      Updated Thursday, September 06 2018 @ 01:19am