logowill england :: GLMC 2014 Double Down Grand Tour locations, maps and data

GLMC Double Down Grand Tour for 2014

The Glacial Lakes Motorcycle Club is sponsoring a new Grand Tour for 2014, Double Down Grand Tour . In a nutshell, ride around and find cities and towns that have consectuive double letters - dd, bb, ee all count. "LL" does not count, nor do breaks between letters. 'Lake Erie', even through it has double 'e', will not count. For this year, you can use standalone signs, but no green city limit signs. You gotta go ride into town and find something *cool*. For double points, just find towns with two doubles! Another tricky bit - you can only use a place name once!

Extra points - get 2 points for visiting Hutchinson,MN, or 1 point for any town named Hutchinson!

Like last year, or 2012, or 2011 and the year before I pulled out a few cities to get you started

For 2013, I was *almost* a finisher - 24 out of 25 points in the Z to A Grand Tour! In 2012, we did far better than anything since the Baseball Grand Tour of 2002. Nikki and I got 12 or 13 points (click for my photos), nearly half-way to finisher status! All on CBR250R bitty bikes.

Here is some data for any one to use, based on US Census Place Names from 2010. This does not guarantee that the place will exist - some may not be real towns, some may have dried up and blown away. Use your best judgement when visiting these towns.

My 'data fu' is failing me. 'saddle sore' from the LD Rider list got with a data expert and updated the list for me, thanks!

double letter name places -- Jonathan Johnson.csv

Need a state broke out? Email me (below); I'm doing the states around KC that I can hit in a day or weekend loop.

How'd this happen? First, grab the US Census Places Data for 2010. Run through Excel to strip the extraneous columns, leaving City, State, Population and coordinates. Rearrange so city name is in the first column. Open in VIM and change the carriage returns to line feeds

Next, UNIX!
grep '\(.\)\1'    \\Matches any double letter, like aa, bb, etc.

Our Ride for 2014

Nikki and I are registred; you can follow our progress on our public Facebook albums:

External Data -- this info was created from GPS Visualizer. Cut-n-paste your own list of cities into their site to create your own Google Map. Route files can be created using GebWeb.net's Travelling Salesman Problem Solver - enter up to 20 locations (lat, lon).

If you're into Javascript coding, you can use the Google Maps API to pull up your own custom route; no idea how many locations it supports.

The usual suspects

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Disclaimer: Anything I have to say is mine, dammnit! My employers, clients nor anyone else can take credit (or be blamed) for it.

Author: Will England (will@mylanders.com) Complaints? /dev/null

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Created March 03, 2014      ::      Updated Thursday, September 06 2018 @ 01:47am