WWW Images -- Box

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These images is a set of 16 bitmaps all of which are 24x24 pixels. Html browsers should allow these bitmaps to join together to form boxes, separators and 3d indentation lines. However, having said this, some web browsers are brain dead with regard to images, and should be upgraded.

This page will take a bit to load - there are a lot of graphic images to load. To download any image you like, just right click on it in your browser and choose Save Image As... from the menu that pops up. If this doesn't work, see your browser docs.

Bitmap "Pieces"

--><-- Last, but not least, the all important Space image.

When using these, the ALIGN variable in an image specification is critical. Take a look at the source for the examples below to see what role alignment plays in obtaining the proper "look".

Box Bitmaps

<-- This is made up of 9 seperate bitmaps

<-- Similarly, this is a line of three bitmaps

This is an example
of some fancy
3D indentation.

<-- Space, Dot, Space

Total number of bitmaps in the above examples is 16, with only one (space) being used twice!